Photo by @ Bridal Moments
If you have ever attended a wedding you probably remember watching, or participating in the bouquet toss. The bouquet toss has become a modern tradition where all the single ladies at the wedding line up on the dance floor to catch the bride’s bouquet. But why do we do this?
The Modern Bouquet Toss.
The bouquet toss in modern times is a symbol of good luck. It is said if you catch the bouquet, then you will have good fortune and you will be the next to get married. The bouquet toss usually happens after the cake cutting. The DJ or band will call on all the single ladies in the room to make their way to the dance floor. The bride will get ready to throw her bouquet to the crowd of women. Once caught, she will usually take a photo with the bride, groom and whomever caught the garter.
Ordering a Toss Bouquet.
You might want to order a toss bouquet from your florist. Bridal bouquets seem to have gotten more elaborate and larger. Most are not tight and neat anymore, but rather have a gorgeous wild look with lots of greenery and loose pieces. It will be easier and safer to purchase a smaller toss bouquet to throw at the crowd. You might also want to keep your bouquet as a keepsake. It has become popular to get flowers from your bouquet pressed in a book or shadow box.
History of the Bouquet Toss.
The tossing of the bouquet dates back hundreds of years ago, in England. Taking something from the bride was considered good luck. So guests would rip and pull things from her gown. In order for the bride to make her exit with minimal attacks she would throw her bouquet to distract wedding goers as she made her exit.
Break the Tradition with these Unique Bouquet Toss Ideas:
Maybe you don’t want to throw your bridal bouquet at your guests. Here you have some funny ideas to the traditional bouquet toss.
The Marriage Dance:
Have your DJ or band invite all the married couples onto the dance floor. He/she will call a number symbolizing a year of marriage. If you have been married less than the number of years called out, then you exit the dance floor. Eventually you will find the couple that has been married the longest. You can give the bouquet to them and also get some amazing photos together. At one of our weddings, the couple married the longest number of years was asked to share their best advice for a long and happy marriage. It was so special to hear their loving advice and see the devotion they had for one another.
Good Luck in Each Bouquet:
Have your florist create a large bouquet made up of a bunch of mini bouquets. Wrap each bouquet with a lucky fortune. Invite all of your guests out on the dance floor for a chance to catch a small bouquet full of good luck and well wishes. This is a great way to tie in the idea of luck, but not singling out all your single “girlfriends” in front of a crowd.
Dance Contest:
Have a dancing contest to a certain song. Winner gets to keep the bouquet.
Gift for a Loved One:
Maybe you don’t want to throw anything, or make a big deal about a bouquet toss. It would be really nice to give your bouquet away to someone who means a lot to you, or even your parents. They may have done a lot during the planning process. Giving them the bouquet is a wonderful way to say thank you!
Photo by @Bridal Moments
Does it have to be flowers?:
Who says you have to throw flowers, or give away your gorgeous bouquet that you want to keep? You can always throw, or give something else away. Maybe you have a dance competition, but instead of giving your bridal bouquet as the prize, you give them a bouquet of candy bars, or scratch off tickets. You can get really creative with your giveaway idea and keep it in line with your wedding theme.
Always remember this is your wedding day! You get to decide how the celebration will go. Don’t feel pressured or obligated to have a bouquet toss, or some type of giveaway. It is perfectly fine to not have any type of bouquet toss event at the wedding.