Why is it trendy to trash the dress after the dream day? Sounds a little whacky no? Afterall, how much money is spent on the purchase of the famous wedding dress? Given its significance, this sentimental item is not something on which most people skimp.
Traditionally white, with all that this implies, the wedding attire remains impeccably pristine and flawless ahead of the big wedding day.
But then … what’s next? What most people do with this item is to keep it in the closet and leave it there, why not? forever!, which today this could be, in my opinion, an ecologically barbaric act, but hey!, this time we are not talking about environmentalism, but of a postmodern trend that as time goes on is becoming fashionable and is called “trash the dress”. The photographer John Michael Cooper has coined this term and shows great pictures about it.

Why Trash the Dress?
To trash the dress could be to dive into the water with the dress on, to be covered with mud, to cut it with scissors or simply to set fire to it, and all this usually registered under the lens of a professional photographer.

Why do something like that? It would be interesting to hear the opinion of brides who opt for this trend. Some people say it could be an act to show that the trappings of a wedding are just that, something of no real importance; for other people it may be fun to
destroy something that at certain point it was so relevant and significant
. In short, the photos of this process can be absolutely stunning.

This trend may have several levels because the bride can decide only to be photographed in unusual places like an alley, a barn, in the field, etc.. Alternatively she can strive to completely destroy her dress.

For weddings in the Riviera Maya or weddings in Cancun, what brides with taste for the “trash the dress” trend usually choose, is to make their photo session at the sea or in the crystal waters of the cenotes 4 as you can see it in this video.
All this can be very subjective and controversial. What do you think? Is this trend appealing to you? Would you ruin such an important and expensive garment?
Share your opinion with us.